Digital solutions to maximize outcomes in the legal and human resources fields.

Services & products.


Our services

We specialize in the intersection of technology and law, encompassing legal tech, HR tech, and various tech fields.

In legal technology, we establish the essential legal frameworks for multiple technologies, including Software as a Service, Cloud Computing, Data Usage Policies, and Cybersecurity Compliance. Additionally, we offer assistance in the development of technology-driven products. Whether your project involves human interaction, verification processes, or integration of AI, we provide a strong foundation of legal and ethical considerations. If you're seeking a partner with expertise, W6C is here to support your endeavors.

Smart contract (SC) software implementation

If you have software that runs over a blockchain or need an application with high security and transparency.

Verification methods

Verification methods consist of software components or bots that continually validate, inquire or solicit evidence while issuing alerts or warnings. The evolution of legal affairs is poised to prioritize a proactive approach over a reactive one.

HR and legal documentation

Digital documents are often hard and tedious to read, and most of the time, applications change, resulting in obsolete resources.

Smart spaces


Escritoir is a versatile product designed for companies to efficiently manage their office spaces, enabling collaborators to schedule their visits. Moreover, it empowers companies to collect invaluable data regarding energy usage, bandwidth consumption, and office space distribution.


Select the best people


Utilizing video, Synthesize enhances initial and final candidate assessments, extracting insights, and enabling recruiters to select top talent matching skills and company values.

Software for lawyers

Gestion Legal

Gestion Legal, a software tailored for legal professionals and firms, simplifies the aggregation of diverse information from text, video, audio, and images.